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公司名称: 廊坊信富成保温材料销售有限公司

主营产品: 岩棉制品  橡塑海绵制品  玻璃棉制品  硅酸铝制品  玻纤天花板制品 

企业成立: 2018-04-04 员工规模: 1 - 10人

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廊坊信富成保温材料有限公司自建厂来一直从事生产、销售、保温、防腐、绝热、隔音材料,公司开发生产主要产品:橡塑保温制品、岩棉制品、硅酸铝制品、玻璃棉制品、聚氨酯制品等系列制品、外墙保温制品。销售树脂、化工等十几个系列六十多种产品,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。并得到了国家有关部门和检测机关的认可,广泛用于电力、石油、化工、冶金、建筑、机械轻纺、等领域。公司已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,公司为中华人民共和国电力总公司,化学工业总公司定点生产企业,中华人民共和国农业部*质量管理达标企业。优质、诚信是本公司一贯宗旨,追求*,追求发展是本公司奋斗目标。 公司对产品质量和各项服务一诺千金,愿与新老朋友精诚合作,共创建材事业的未来。

Langfang Xinfucheng insulation material co., Ltd. Has been engaged in production, sales, insulation, anticorrosion, heat insulation, sound insulation materials, the company has been engaged in the production of main products: rubber and plastic insulation products, rock wool products, aluminum silicate products, glass cotton products, Polyurethane products and other products, exterior wall insulation products, sales resin, chemical and other more than a dozen series of more than 60 products, has a complete, scientific quality management system, and has been recognized by the relevant state departments and testing agencies, Widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, construction, machinery textile, etc. The company has passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification, the company for The people's Republic of China Electric Power Corporation, Chemical Industry Corporation designated production enterprises, the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China "total quality management standard enterprise". Quality, integrity is the company's consistent pur*e, the pursuit of le*g, The pursuit of development is the company's goal. The company to product quality and services, willing to cooperate with new and old friends sincerely to create the future of the cause of building materials.




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